Super Step and Repeat Use Super Step and Repeat to perform a more sophisticated item duplication than the one provided by QuarkXPress. To use Super Step and Repeat: 1. Select an item (picture box, text box, or line). 2. Choose Super Step and Repeat from the Item menu to display the Super Step and Repeat dialogue box.   3. Specify the placement of duplicated items: • Enter a number from 1 to 100 in the Repeat Count field to specify how many times you want the item to be duplicated. • Check Linear Motion to specify a horizontal and vertical offset for each duplicated item. Specify the offset values in the Horizontal Offset and Vertical Offset fields. • Check Rotational Motion to specify a rotation value for each duplicated item. Specify the rotation value in degrees in the Angle field; the rotation is counterclockwise from the original item. For example, if you enter 10°, the first duplicated item will be placed 10° from the original item. The second duplicated item will be placed 20° from the original item. • Choose options from the Vert. origin and Horiz. origin pop-up menus to specify the centrepoint of rotation. The vertical centre of rotation can be either Top, Centre, or Bottom; the horizontal centre of rotation can be either Left, Centre, or Right.   4. Specify the transformation of duplicated items: • Enter a value from 1% to 1000% in the End box scale field to scale each duplicated item. For example, if you specify a Repeat count of 4, and an End box scale value of 200%, Super Step and Repeat produces 4 new boxes scaled at 125%, 150%, 175% and 200%. • Enter a point value in the End frame thickness field to scale the frame of each duplicated item. End frame thickness works similar to End box scale — each intermediate items is framed with an increasingly thicker frame. • Enter a value from 1% to 100% in the End box shade field to increase or decrease the shade of colour in duplicated items. No perceptible change will occur in white boxes. • Check Scale contents to have the contents of picture boxes and text boxes scaled to fit duplicated boxes. 5. Check Fast draw to have QuarkXPress draw all the new items after the entire duplication is complete. If you uncheck Fast draw, each item is drawn as it is created. NOTE: Fast draw significantly increases the speed of a Super Step and Repeat action only when the newly created boxes will overlap each other. If you duplicate a box with a runaround specified, and the new boxes overlap text boxes containing text, the text reflow information may not update correctly. To regenerate the text reflow, you can relayer the text boxes or save, close, and reopen the document.